This release has been modified from its original version indicated by the {curly brackets}.

​For Immediate Release                                                                         Contact:  Perry Vogel (Grand Forks, ND)
3 April 2013                                                                                                          {(701) 732 - 0246}
                                                                                                                             Paul Mammenga (Columbia, SD)
                                                                                                                             {(605) 622 - 0796}
Top 10 Questions About Purple Martins
In the Dakotas
  1.  Do Purple Martins eat mosquitoes?
  2.  Do Purple Martins frequently use birdbaths and birdfeeders?
  3.  Do Purple Martins get along with European starlings and house sparrows?
  4.  Do Purple Martins have scouts that go back south to bring more birds north?
  5.  Do Purple Martins make mud nests in eaves?
  6.  Do Purple Martins mate for life?
  7.  Do Purple Martins need to be near water?
  8.  Do Purple Martins abandon their nest if it is disturbed?
  9.  Do Purple Martins clean out their nest before building a new one?
10.  Do Purple Martins damage crops, gardens, or trees?

For the answers to these questions and more …

Attend the 2nd Annual {Outdoor Purple Martin Festival} in Columbia, SD on 15 June 2013

For more information on the {Outdoor Purple Martin Festival} - and to register:
Perry Vogel, PMAD   {(701) 732 - 0246}
